HVPR Executive Board Meeting
The HVPR Board will meet at April 11, 2025 at Cinco De Mayo, 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. We will discuss the planning of the ODMA Show and Founders Tour. Please join us for this "order off the menu" working lunch.
Historic Virginia Peninsula Region of AACA
Antique Automobile Club of America (HVPR-AACA)
The HVPR Board will meet at April 11, 2025 at Cinco De Mayo, 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. We will discuss the planning of the ODMA Show and Founders Tour. Please join us for this "order off the menu" working lunch.
TBD location, but mark your calendar for the date. We will enjoy a great meal and discuss upcoming club activities
Plan a day trip to historic Yorktown for Market Days and the 4th Annual Yorktown Classic car show.
Please join us for our second local tour of the season. We will tour Williamsburg. Check back often for details.
Location TBD, but mark the date. New members will receive their name tag and the club will enjoy a picnic lunch.
Planning us underway for a Summer fun run and ice cream social Sunday July 20.2025. Details will be published as we get closer to the data.
Save the date for our August Dinner Meeting Details to follow.